Guest Speaker Series 2024


Get the pass for the whole year. Get up close and personal with the best people in their industry, and the coolest people we like to meet. It’s great for networking, internship opps. Ask all your questions about careers before you commit to them. 1 pass = 1 zoom slot.

18 in stock


When you make the purchase you agree to these terms and conditions

The pass is not refundable but you can transfer it to someone else if you cannot make the slot.

Little U reserves the right to remove any pass holder from the session who may be deem suspicious or threatening to the participants and guest speakers.


I agree to the terms in the Little U Child Safeguarding Policy.

I agree that Little U shall not be held responsible for any accident or personal injury howsoever arising, sustained or suffered by my child (ward), or for my child’s (ward’s) safety or death or any damage, loss or destruction to my child (ward) or belongings, however caused. I hereby irrevocably release and discharge Little U from any and all claims, demands, costs, actions, or prosecutions in connection with any of the foregoing matters, including such action or omission to act that may be taken by Little U prior or subsequent to the destruction of person or belongings.I agree to fully indemnify Little U against any and all claims, demands, damages, costs, actions or prosecutions (including legal costs on a full indemnity basis) which my child (ward), his or her next-of-kin, parent, guardian, personal representative, dependents, authorities and/ or third parties may bring.

I consent to the use of the personal data collected for the purposes in connection with the operation of Little U subject to the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) in accordance to Singapore law.