
Little U partners these organisations and businesses to bring the best learning experiences to our community. We honour our partners by developing strong collaborative opportunities where possible.

Voices of Homeschoolers in Singapore is Singapore’s leading website on all homeschooling matters. Little U was birthed out of Homeschool Singapore. We support the team’s work.

Little U teens and parents can join the internships offered at to build their portfolio and writing skills.

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Empowering future-ready kids, one adventure at a time.

Doyobi is one of the most exciting edtech learning experiences for children 8-12yo. We love what they do and we highly recommend their services.

Little U members enjoy discounts on Doyobi’s quests.

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Empower ADHDers and their Families to Live Life to the Fullest.

Unlocking ADHD is Singapore’s foremost portal to helping ADHD families thrive. Their practical resources, events and stories help develop a learning culture about how we should support ADHD-ers.

Little U members are welcome to join Unlocking ADHD and partner them in projects.

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Located in 6 countries worldwide, VIVITA is an international organization on a mission to equip youths with 21st century skills, providing them with the physical and digital environments for fearless exploration. 

VIVITA is a child-respectful and progressive organisation in Singapore that integrates design thinking x STEM to develop holistic, happy children. It is free to join.

VIVITA is a child-respectful and progressive organisation in Singapore that integrates design thinking x STEM to develop holistic, happy children. It is free to join.

Little U members enjoy access to a special VIVITA dashboard.

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A Future-Ready Education System, for Every Child is helmed by a group of Singaporeans, mostly parents, concerned about the ability of our education system to prepare Singapore’s children for the future economy. They are an advocacy group concerned with children’s rights in Singapore.

Little U is proud to work with in contributing to an education system respectful of all children.

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“A healthy sense of self-worth”

The Social Quotient is a consultancy firm based in Singapore. We are inclusion advocates, focusing on the centrality of social relationships for all individuals. We aspire to help everyone develop a healthy sense of worth; and in the process learn how to relate to others in a positive manner.

Little U is proud to work with The Social Quotient to create a healthy, trauma-informed education system at Little U for all stakeholders.

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raise motivated, resilient and happy children

Self-Directed Life Community offers a platform for parents and educators to explore the different approaches to parenting and education. It emphasizes empowering children to take charge of their own learning journey and fostering resilience and motivation.

Little U is proud to work with Self-Directed Life Community to create important conversations in Singapore education through high impact events.

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we give youths a fighting chance.

Impart envisions a Singapore where every youth is empowered in healthy communities of care. Its Impart Education program ensures that every youth-facing-adversity receives robust and accessible opportunities for a well-rounded education. These opportunities span academics, (career) aspirations, and (financial) acumen.

Little U is proud to work with Impart to create CBE pathways for youths towards higher education and employment.

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Would you like to partner Little U?

Little U runs a high quality microschool consultancy that is unmatched in Singapore for its :
1. commitment to children’s rights
2. expertise in developing a familial learning culture
3. advocacy of premium education for all

If you would like to partner Little U, please contact us. We look for partners who believe in a child-safe and respectful family learning culture for all.