The Learnery

photography of black power tool

In simple terms, The Learnery specialises in developing families and individuals to better themselves through personalised education.

Why? Because it is time to think of “education” apart from “school”. Our team’s expertise as parent-educators and professional educators tell us that we have to think of education bigger than schools. In fact, education happens anywhere where human activities take place. Education is found in every form of industry. As long as you are training human beings, you are educating them in something. Schooling is simply an expression of education that can be carried out in small and big groups, academic and non-academic, online and off. In this century, it is a mix of both. A personalised education pathway makes use of whatever works, including schools.

Personalising education begins with 2 questions :

1. What is education?
2. Why are we learning what we are learning?

Such thought life relates to metaphysical inquiry, like :

a) Why are we here?
b) What is life about?

A personalised education is always a quest to understand ourselves. Society will be better off as a result if we focus on fixing ourselves to be better people, instead of trying to change for external validations. It means slowing down; working within our means; not keeping up with the Joneses; being mindful of the present, of one another. At The Learnery, our quests leads us to nature studies with preschoolers, art with primary schoolers, walks with fellow parents, and robust discussions with educators.

For child and family safety, personalising education requires a long term, close contact approach. To understand you, we need to know you. Knowing you requires time. In our interactions with you, we try to be as careful and sensitive as possible, guided by the Little U Values.

How will we meet? Interaction always require motivation. We created 8 programs in the Learnery with a comprehensive range of options that would cater across education perspectives and profiles: homeschooling and schooling families, preschoolers to professional educators. This ensures that we have scope to work with you where you are, and to develop your potential as you change. For example, if you started with us at our Preschool, you might enrol at Observo to hone your craft as a tutor. Then you make the Village your final destination because you have decided to go back to work full time. While you are busy at your new company, you might leave your teen with us at the Boutique. There is always a way to keep connected with us for the long journey ahead.

Personalised education is a balance of commitment and flexibility. We hope that by the time you leave us, you would be a confident, sophisticated, self-directed learner. You will be missed because you treated the adults and children you met with kindness and compassion. We were privileged to learn from you as you learnt from us. That’s a road well taken at The Learnery.

In work terms, The Learnery is dedicated to the art of developing human potential in talent, employability and management.

Human potential is first expressed in human thought and imagination. For is not nation building a collective dream of people in history?

At The Learnery, we believe that developing higher ordered thinking is key to a successful, Singapore-based workforce. We frame the necessary cognitive abilities in our Little U Engine comprising of 4 Competencies and 16 Criteria. These are practically embedded across our 8 programs in Little U through governance, teaching and mentoring support.

Treat The Learnery like a long term apprenticeship under master craftsmen.

We develop talent in inclusive, neurodiverse learning environments. We frame employability for young people through a mix of vocational and academic learning, captured using our competency based system under the Mastery Transcript Consortium (MTC).

At the teen programs of Little U, youths are guided in personalised education towards an MTC Learning Record, which can be used for tertiary admissions to higher education institutions like polytechnics, colleges, universities, work place employment and lifelong learning.

There is a science and art to everything under the sun. The Learnery is our prototype for seeding future learning models that will enable individuals to thrive in the future economy. You are welcome to learn with us. Or invite our consultants to do it in your communities and companies.

Where to begin?

Contact us. Or browse our prospectuses below.