Our Story

Our vision is to equip families with skills to succeed in life.

At Little U, we see the work involved in educating whole families as the missing piece in the current labour market. We should not separate individuals from their origin stories of living and learning, otherwise we struggle to make sense of who we are and what we are learning.

We pioneer a new thinking in Singapore: that training of a quality workforce is the training of whole families through personalising their education. In doing so, they will be able to identify their strengths, develop 21st century competencies and meet challenges in life with confidence.

Our mission is to develop your journey to mastery.

We run The Learnery like master craftsmen. We want The Learnery to be known for Apprenticeship, Beauty, Craft, Design to meet human resource challenges of the 21st century.

A human-centred understanding is at the forefront of our curriculum framework: Who are we? How are we wired? What is significant to human interactions? Our foundation is the humanities, from which we develop interests into all areas of human life.

We teach humans to better themselves through thinking deeply about their education, and what they want out of it. Our learners start from as young as 3. Because the better we understand ourselves as human beings, the better human beings we will be. Society will be better off as a result.

The Learnery is our prototype for seeding future learning models that will enable individuals to thrive in the future economy. You are welcome to learn with us.

We are a microschool consultancy.

In 2025, we will be a non-profit organisation.


Little U first began as the learning arm of Homeschool Singapore.


More families began to join the program to teach.


Because of Covid, classes and the Guest Speaker Series went online. Our Little U logo designed by our creative director, Grace Tan, was launched.


In 2021, Little U registered as a company.


We worked with ABRY to bring Little U’s Guest Speaker Series out to the public. NGO Habibi did work with the Teen Groups.


Little U is a member of Mastery Transcript Consortium.


We have a strong team of advisors to help us.

Our Prospectuses (2022-2023)

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